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Local 195 News


Dominick D. Critelli Jr. Annual Scholarship Program

Attention Local 195 Membership - Please click on the button below for more information on the scholarship available from IFPTE.

    Scholarship Information


Tom Bruno is currently the Chairman of the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) Board of Trustees

and is your State Worker Representative. Please click on the flyer to read more about Tom Bruno and how you can vote for him.

Click on Tom's website for additional information.

  • Tom Bruno's Website
  •     Tom Bruno Flyer

    2025 Local 195 Chapter Officer Nominations Guideline

    1. Nominations take place in February 2025.

    2. Elections take place in April 2025.

    3. Installation of officers takes place in May 2025.

    Elections and installation of officers is based upon approval of the Local 195 Election Committee. Please note you must be a full member to attend meetings.


    Recently an anti-worker special interest group has been contacting our members and urging them to withdraw from the union.

    They want to weaken the union so that they can try to defund your jobs.

    Don't fall for their lies. Learn more by clicking the link below!

    Click to read about Freedom Foundation

    Local 195 invites you to become a member and join your Union!

    Click on the "Sign-Up Card" button to download the Application for Membership and Payroll Deduction Card. Fill out both cards, sign and return to the Local office at 186 North Main Street, Milltown, NJ 08850 or email cards to

    Sign-Up Cards

    Local 195 Membership ID Cards

    For those members who do not have an I.D. card with your membership number listed on the card, please call the Local office or email the Local at and a card will be ordered for you. Please note this process takes several weeks. If you are having trouble logging into the site with your ID number, please remember your password must be entered in with all lowercase letters.

    Update The Union Office

    Please notify the Local office if you have had any changes to your contact information, home address, work location or last name. Thank you!
        Change of Information Form